International RILEM Workshop on Creep of Fibre Reinforced ConcreteDecember 14, 2016International RILEM Workshop on Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Together with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Group is organizing the FRCCREEP-2016. This is the first International RILEM Workshop on Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete. The event will be held at Valencia from March 9th to March 11th and will cover the last developments on this field. For more information about the event and on how to attend,... Read more...New PhD thesis “Daylight Performance Assessment Of a New Energy Efficient Building Envelope”December 12, 2016New PhD thesis presented at STRUCTECH on July 12: “Daylight Performance Assessment Of a New Energy Efficient Building Envelope” by Núria Casquero, being supervisors Prof. Khalid M. Mosalam and Prof.... Read more...Stainless Steel Evolution Group MeetingDecember 10, 2016May the 5th, the Steel and Composite Structures team will host the 18th meeting of the Working Group of Stainless Steel EN1993-1-4, which is chaired by Nancy Badoo,... Read more...WELCOME of the Convenor of STRUCTECH, Prof. MaríDecember 4, 2016 Welcome to the web site of the Structural Technology Research Group (STRUCTECH). STRUCTECH is a research, development and innovation (RDI) group that belongs to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-Barcelona Tech), one of the largest research and teaching organizations of Spain. STRUCTECH is composed of around 30 senior and young researchers as permanent staff, as well as about 40 PhD candidates, enthusiastically devoted to RDI in structural technology. Our group is funded by the Catalan Government since 2006. Through the new web page we would like to introduce our research group to you, show our goals, research lines and educational objectives. At the same time, we would like to promote the cooperation and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and tools with our colleagues belonging to the educational and scientific community in the field of structural analysis, design and technology. The initial and ongoing mission of STRUCTECH is to generate new knowledge and technology transfer to the society, in particular to the industry. Our commitment is to become strongly involved in new advances in our area. To foster this mission, STRUCTECH develops five research lines which span a broad scope. It is our belief that our capabilities and our willingness to deploy RDI activities in the forefront of the international knowledge, could meet the current challenges of our society and contribute to the need of creating a knowledge-based economy in our countries. We look forward to providing interesting and updated information to researchers, professional engineers and students involved in the field of structural design and construction technology. You can follow us on Facebook and YouTube. Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: Kind Regards, Prof.... Read more...Academic visit to CTU-PragueDecember 2, 2016Last december, members of the Steel and Composite Structures team were in CTU Prague for research and educational purposes. Prof. Real attended a EN1993-1-4 meeting (Stainless Steel) and Prof. Chacón performed a series of educational Erasmus+ activities at Bachelor,... Read more...Two new RTD projects funded by MINECODecember 1, 2016In the last call for the financing of national RTD projects by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), STRUCTECH has obtained the funding of two research projects: Multiscale techniques for the experimental and numerical analysis of the reliability of masonry structures (ref. num. BIA2015-63882-P, total amount 102.900,00€ , coordinator Pere Roca) and Evaluation of the strength capacity of reinforced concrete structures against tangential stresses by means of mechanical models for the extension of their service life... Read more...Seminar “Recent Developments, Applications and New Horizons in Hybrid Simulation” by Prof. K.M. Mosalam (University of California, Berkeley) on July 17th 2016July 4, 2016The STRUCTECH research group organizes a seminar by Professor Khalid M. Mosalam (University of California, Berkeley) entitled “Recent Developments, Applications and New Horizons in Hybrid Simulation” on Tuesday July 12, 2016, at 17:00, in the Room O. C. Zienkiewicz of CIMNE (building C1, room C16, North Campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona). Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-BarcelonaTech), CIMNE, Room O. C. Zienkiewicz (building C1, room C16), July 12, 2016, 17:00 “Recent Developments, Applications and New Horizons in Hybrid Simulation” Khalid M. Mosalam, PhD, PE Taisei Professor of Civil Engineering & Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center University of California, Berkeley Abstract: The presentation focuses on two aspects of recent hybrid simulation (HS) research. First aspect is recent development of HS in earthquake engineering and the use of this development in several applications. This includes two research endeavors: 1) Development of a real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) system for testing high voltage electrical substation equipment on a shaking table, and 2) Implementation of an advanced control method for the enhancement of RTHS on multiple shaking tables for use in testing interconnected electrical equipment. Second aspect is the use of the HS method in the emerging field of multi-hazards using performance-based engineering (PBE) concepts. In this regard, two research activities are covered: 1) HS tests of wind turbines, and 2) Extension of HS test results for use in PBE where three examples covering a wide range of structures are discussed. These examples are (a) electric substations, (b) curtain wall façade systems, and (c) structural insulated panels (SIPs). Moreover, the presentation will very briefly include several background HS tests conducted at UC Berkeley, use of HS for a problem involving multi-physics phenomena for the evaluation of building envelopes, and theoretical development to evaluate the errors in RTHS for classical problems in continuum mechanics. Short Bio: Mosalam obtained his BS and MS from Cairo University and his PhD from Cornell University in Structural Engineering. In 1997, he joined the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (UCB) where he is currently the Taisei Professor of Civil Engineering and the Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. He conducts research on the performance and health monitoring of structural systems of concrete, masonry and wood subjected to extreme loads. He is active in areas of assessment and rehabilitation of essential facilities, e.g. bridges and electrical substations. He is also active in research related to building energy efficiency and sustainability. His research approach covers large-scale computations and physical testing including hybrid simulation. He is the recipient of the 2006 ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize and the 2013 UCB Chancellor award for Public Services. ... Read more...Four new PhD theses presented in April-MayJune 1, 2016 Four PhD students working with the STRUCTECH research group completed their PhD theses in April-May: – “Computational multiscale analysis of masonry structures” by Massimo Petracca (UPC-UNICH). Supervisors: Luca Pelà , Guido Camata and Riccardo Rossi. – “Advanced Minor Destructive Testing for the Assessment of Existing Masonry” by Diego Marastoni (UPC-UNIBO). Supervisors: Andrea Benedetti & Luca Pelà . – “Design of a new in-situ continuum concrete barrier” by Jordi Cañas (UPC). Supervisors: Antonio Aguado & Albert de la Fuente. – “Characterization and modelling of pervious concrete” by Ricardo Pieralisi (UPC). Supervisors: Sergio Pialarissi & Antonio Aguado. The full-text documents of the theses will be soon downloadable from our website: Congratulations to the new PhDs!... Read more...11th PTEC forum – 6th April, BarcelonaFebruary 16, 2016The 11th PTEC forum focuses on innovation in transport infrastructures maintenance and their adaptability to absorb new traffic or new environmental demands. The forum is going to take place in April 6th at UPC Barcelona Tech and it is promoted by PTEC working group which is coordinated by two main Spanish international contractors, Dragados and Vias. PTEC program include two sessions and presentations and an exposition with posters of the main research projects. Fee: None, but registration is required by sending and mail ( detailing name, enterprise, email address and phone number. Link to the PTEC program... Read more...Euro-Latin American partnership in natural Risk mitigation and protection of the Cultural Heritage (ELARCH)February 11, 2016Prof. Pere Roca and Dr. Luca Pelà are scientific responsibles at UPC of the ELARCH Erasmus Mundus Program (Euro-Latin America partnership in natural Risk mitigation and protection of the Cultural Heritage). Two PhD candidates from ELARCH program are currently carrying out their research at UPC under the supervision of Prof. Pere Roca and Dr. Luca Pelà . ELARCH is a scholarship and mobility project funded under the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnership (EMA2) coordinated by the University of Basilicata, Italy. The project is aimed at fostering scientific cooperation in the field of protection of heritages between European and Latin American Higher Education Institutions. The scholarship programme is open to nationals from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentinal, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay and Venezuela who want to study or work at one of the nine European partner Universities and to nationals from EU member countries who want to study or work at one of the eleven Latin American partner Universities. The project is also supported by a number of associate organizations active in natural risk mitigation and international development. A total number of 119 mobilities will be involved in scientific activities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff level. The ELARCH scholarship covers: travel expenses, monthly subsistence allowance, insurance coverage and tuition fees. More information is available at the website of the ELARCH Program: Read more...