González-Ortega, M.A., Segura, I., Cavalaro, S.H.P., Toralles-Carbonari, B., Aguado, A., Andrello, A.C.
Radiological protection and mechanical properties of concretes with EAF steel slags,
Construction and Building Materials,
51, pp. 432-438 (2014).


Abstract The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the behavior of concretes with EAF slags with structural responsibility exposed to gamma radiation. Six mixes were designed: four concretes made with EAF slags, one conventional concrete, and one heavyweight concrete with barite aggregates. Tests were performed to assess properties such as occluded air, density, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and gamma rays attenuation (¼). The mechanical properties of concretes with EAF are similar or higher than the measured for conventional concretes and, in all cases, are significantly higher than the obtained for concretes with barite. Although the attenuation coefficients of the concretes with EAF slags are lower than that of concrete with barite, the differences in terms of the equivalent wall thickness are relatively small. Such results support the use of EAF slags as a structural concrete with radiological protection capability.

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